1. May 2017 | Project "The Way of Peace"

Dear Friends,

On May 1, 2017, we would like to support the “The Way of Peace” (Friedensweg) project with a joint GEHP optimization.

The project is about peace, or perhaps we should say that we walk for peace. Not against war, but for peace. A small difference with a great effect. Everyone is called upon to participate in this “Peace Walk”. Irrespective of the governments’ attitudes and actions, opinions of the critics, as well as political and fiscal policies, a clear, peaceful and powerful signal should be given.

The “The Way of Peace” movement takes place from May, 09 till May, 28, 2017, in capitals of every European country, in municipalities of federal provinces, cantons and state regions, as well as outside of Europe, too. One can tread this path of peace by land, water or even up in the air.

This is an initiative of peoples, who are tired of waiting for help from the „outside”. We are uniting to fortify our common desire: we want peace now. With the focus “only a person who loves himself or herself, can love others”. We would like to send a strong impulse into the Information Field.

You can find the optimisation list for your TimeWaver system below. As usual, you can import the data file under clients.

As of May 1st 2017, the optimisation runs completely automatically, provided your TimeWaver system is in optimisation mode. To intensify the list further, please read the list and extend it with your own optimisations. You can also pass on the list to all your friends and acquaintances who also may want to send a positive impulse with their own awareness.

In this spirit, we wish you all the best and look forward to your participation.

Yours Marcus Schmieke

and the GEHP-Team

The new optimization list for all TimeWaver users:
The new optimization list in form of a pdf file for all not TimeWaver Users:
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