Initiatoren des Global Earth Healing Projects:

Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Hendrik Treugut
A short biography: Treugut studied human medicine in Münster, Innsbruck and Heidelberg and worked in different municipal hospitals in Germany and the USA.
He habilitated on “Function control of the kidney transplant through sequence CT2” and was a member of academic staff of the medical faculty at the University of Ulm. In Mutlangen Treugut was head physician at the Stauferklinik Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Marcus Schmieke
Physicist, philosopher, author and visionary, developer of the TimeWaver systems and co-initiator of the Global Earth Healing Project.
Marcus Schmieke, born in Oldenburg in 1966, studied physics and philosophy in Hannover and Heidelberg and lived as a monk in a Vedic tradition for 12 years before he completely dedicated himself to research on consciousness from a scientific point of view. In this way he founded the Veda Academy in 1996, developed the information field system TimeWaver and started the Institute for Applied Consciousness Research IACR. Marcus Schmieke is the author of more than 20 books on science and spirituality, Vedic knowledge and philosophy. Today he dedicates himself mainly to the research of the wholeness of man and life as a central symbol for science, healing and spirituality.

Thomas Baschab
Author, management trainer for leading-edge enterprises, mental coach for various top athletes, one of the pioneers of mental coaching with 25 years of experience in Germany.
Thomas Baschab, born in 1960, became known as a management trainer for leading-edge enterprises and a mental coach for numerous top athletes. In his seminars he impressingly imparts how goals can be reached which were considered unattainable before.
With his exceptional methods and inspirational seminar style – a very authentic mix of thoughtfulness and humour – he helps managers and employees of all sectors to get on the course of success since 1987. Furthermore, he coaches top business managers and gives lectures as a guest lecturer at universities and colleges.
Initiators of Global Earth Healing Projects:

Dr. Roger D. Nelson
Psychologe, researchcoordinator at thePrincetonEngineeringAnamoliesReseach(Pear Lab) andtheGlobal ConsciousnessProjectInitiiator.
Roger Nelson, Ph. D., was Coordinator of Research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory at Princeton University from 1980 to 2002, and has directed the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), since its inception in 1997.
Interests in psychology, physics, philosophy and the arts have given opportunities to collaborate with creative interdisciplinary teams at PEAR and elsewhere developing ways to study consciousness and intention. Roger's work integrates science and spirituality, including research that is directly focused on numinous communal experiences.
Building on years of laboratory experiments, Roger began using random event generator (REG) technology in the field to study effects of special states of group consciousness. This led naturally to the GCP, which is designed to register indications of a coalescing global consciousness responding to major world events such as 9/11, the beginnings of war, or New Year's Eve.

Dr. Dean Radin
Psychologist, an electrical engineerand1.Scientists atthe Institute of NoeticScience(IONS), former Presidentof theSocietyof Parapsychology.
Dean Radin (born February 29, 1952) is a researcher and author in the field of parapsychology. He has been Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), in Petaluma, California, USA, since 2001, and is on the Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Psychology at Sonoma State University, on the Distinguished Consulting Faculty at Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, and former President of the Parapsychological Association.
He is also co-editor-in-chief of the journal Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing.
Radin's ideas and work have been criticized by scientists and philosophers skeptical of paranormal claims. In addition, the review of Radin's first book, The Conscious Universe, that appeared in Nature charged that Radin ignored the known hoaxes in the field, made statistical errors and ignored plausible non-paranormal explanations for parapsychological data.
Early life

Brenda Dunne & Robert Jahn
Brenda J. Dunne, M. S. holds a degreeinpsychologyandhumanities,
Robert Jahn, Ph.D: B.S.E. Degree in mechanical engineering/physics(1951), a masterin physics(1953), andaPh.D. degree in physics(1955)
Robert Jahn, Ph.D. and Brenda Dunne, M.S. will describe the research carried out over the past quarter century in their PEAR laboratory, housed in Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science. The results of numerous carefully controlled experiments provide strong evidence that human consciousness can play a pro-active role in the establishment of physical reality.
Initially intended to address the potential vulnerability of sensitive engineering systems and processes, these findings carry much broader implications that bear on our view of ourselves, our relationship to others, and to the cosmos in which we exist.
Robert G. Jahn, Ph.D, is Professor Emeritus of Aerospace Sciences at Princeton University, and Dean Emeritus of The School of Engineering and Applied Science. He holds a B.S.E. degree in Mechanical Engineering/Physics (1951), a M.A. Degree in Physics (1953), and a Ph.D. degree in Physics (1955), all from Princeton University, and has held faculty positions at Lehigh University, Physics Department, the California Institute of Technology, and, since 1962, at Princeton. He has directed major research programs in advanced aerospace propulsion systems for over 40 years, with ongoing sponsorship by NASA, the Air Force, and various industrial firms. For the past 26 years, he has been director of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory. He is also Chairman of the Board of the International Consciousness Research Laboratories and Vice President of the Society for Scientific Exploration.