Dear Friends,
Awareness of Humanity – Resonating With the Connecting Love, Overcoming Division Over the Global Situation.
The next GEHP optimization will take place on 01.10.2021 at 12:00 noon
The current global situation is affecting all humans, both individually and collectively. Many of us are driven by fear and severely affected both financially and socially by the impact of the the pandemic and the measures coming with it. The sometimes confusing media coverage, as well as the ever-changing actions of our governments are unsettling people and causing division in society. Financial hardship, the loss of loved ones and personal powerlessness lead to despair and resignation for many people.
Our objective is this: The best solution for the current situation should be found together, on the basis of science-based studies and insights, aiming at the well-being of all people; the opinions and decisions of others should be respected as well. The present optimization has the intention to reconnect people in a loving and respectful way.
Our next GEHP optimization in the Information Field, directing the power of our intention towards this collective goal, will take place on
01.10.2021 at 12:00 noon CEST, having a duration of 9 minutes.
Please support this optimization with your intention! And also please remember that during this time your computer must be turned on.
The New GEHP Extension for TimeWaver PRO
As is commonly known, the Global Earth Healing Project or GEHP is connecting TimeWaver Pro users around the world at a given time in order to implement objectives from an optimization list into physical reality through a kind of “group objectives optimization”.
The latest update for TimeWaver Pro includes an extension for automated GEHP participation. Activating it is really quite simple: Download the current TimeWaver Pro update under “Options” (“Check for update”). Once the update is finished, the “GEHP” tab will appear under options.
To participate in the current GEHP optimization, check the “I wish to participate” box.

For all future optimizations, this selection must be repeated.
If you have any further questions, please contact our support team:
or by telephone from Monday – Friday 08.30 – 16.30,
+49 3391 40022-29
We look forward to your participation and wish you all the best!
Your GEHP team